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Company Announcements and Updates

Masks for all, keeping our employees safe

In light of the current shortages of PPE in the healthcare workforce instead of purchasing masks for our employees to wear during this time, we have a very talented employee that has stepped up and created face masks for our employees. 

Here is a link to the instructions we used:

(credit to the creator Sarah Maker - DIY and Crafts)

We are using the masks for work to help minimize the spread of the virus further as indicated by Czech people. They are not seeing the amount of spread as many other countries are and they are priding this on one extra step they are asking of their people. Wearing a face mask when they leave their homes. A link to the video describe their steps to flattening the curve.

Mask Video:

We are obviously still using appropriate PPE during our work and would not want anyone to think differently. Our employees safety is deeply important to us.  We are also using the other steps encouraged by our Canadian Government to keep use well.

Please make sure you are using proper donning and removal procedures for your masks; as well as proper cleaning after each use.

Wash your hands, and stay safe.

#covid19 #flattenthecurve #mask4all
